Canadian Association of Wireless Internet Service Providers Association des fournisseurs de service internet sans fil (CanWISP)
An increasing number of WISPs are either deploying or thinking about deploying outside plant fibre networks to strengthen and augment existing wireless installs. Join Dura-Line on May 26th from 3-4PM ET as we discuss the application and installation of a modern fiber optic network using Microtechnology, along with the real-world benefits to both your organization and the communities in which you operate.
What: Fiber Installations Using Microduct Technology
Why: For Canadian WISPs interested in learning about cost effective, fast fiber backbone or FTTH rollouts using Dura-Line Microducts
When: Thursday May 26th, 3PM – 4PM ET
Where: Webinar
Who: CanWISP Members & Affiliates
Cost: FREE
How: Click below to join the meeting
Teams Meeting Link
For more information contact:
Phone: 705 = 706 = 0233Email: