Canadian Association of Wireless Internet Service Providers
Association des fournisseurs de service internet sans fil (CanWISP)

Code d'éthique (anglais)

The objective of the Code of Ethics is to maintain and enforce the highest standards of ethical professional practices that will make membership in the Canadian Association of Wireless Internet Service Providers (CANWISP) recognized mark of experience, stability, integrity and competence.


Members will regard as confidential all information concerning the business and affairs of clients with whom we are dealing in our professional relationships.


We will conduct ourselves in such a manner as to bring credit to our industry and enhance its reputation. Accordingly, CANWISP encourages all wireless operators to comply with all applicable IC rules and regulations, including using only IC-certified wireless equipment. CANWISP encourages all wireless operators who are not fully compliant to work to come into compliance as soon as it is possible for them to do so.


We will publicize our services in a professional manner upholding the dignity of our profession. We will avoid all conduct, practices and promotion likely to discredit or do injury to our field of endeavor.


We will strive to broaden public understanding and enhance public regard and confidence in our Industry.


In keeping with this dedication to principle, the members of the Association have further pledged to:

a) Follow through and complete any agreement made verbally or otherwise to either another member of the Association or to any client or prospective client.

b) Deal fairly with the public and with fellow professionals, giving due respect to the rights and legitimate interests of others.

c) Respect the rights of the owners of intellectual properties.

d) Not knowingly disseminate false or misleading information and shall act promptly to correct erroneous communications for which they are responsible.

e) Use proper diligence to ensure that all materials on their networks are restricted in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and the tenets of reasonable precaution.

f) Not disparage other members by statement or innuendo to clients or prospective clients.

g) Respond to any complaint or violations filed with the Association and participate in all processes and procedures of the Association with respect to that complaint.

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Téléphone: 613 = 612 = 2019 

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